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Find Bank Branches code for SBP Bank branches in India for NEFT and RTGS transfer

SBP Bank Bank Branches

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  1. State Bank Of Patiala

Locate Bank Branches for SBP Bank

Bank: State Bank Of Patiala
Branch: Chandigarh Grain Market 26
Business Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm
Mode Of Payment: Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Contact: 0172-2791997
MICR Code: - NA -
IFSC Code: STBP0000116
Bank Details: State Bank Of Patiala Chandigarh Grain Market 26 STBP0000116
Location: Chandigarh, Chandigarh
City: Chandigarh
District: Chandigarh
State: Chandigarh
Pincode: 160019
Country: IN
Address: Sector-26 grain market
Bank: State Bank Of Patiala
Branch: Chandigarh 22 D
Business Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm
Mode Of Payment: Cash,Cheque,Demand Draft and Net banking
Contact: 0172-2709499/2700285/2705953/Fax-910172-2701623
MICR Code: - NA -
IFSC Code: STBP0000117
Bank Details: State Bank Of Patiala Chandigarh 22 D STBP0000117
Location: Chandigarh, Chandigarh
City: Chandigarh
District: Chandigarh
State: Chandigarh
Pincode: 160022
Country: IN
Address: Sector-22d sco no-7
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Search SBP Bank Bank Branches!

You can search through around 1368+ Bank Branches of SBP Bank! We are making earnest efforts in keeping the information updated by adding Bank Branches of SBP Bank as they get available on RBI website.

SBP Bank Branches

SBP Bank branches are spread all over India in order to facilitate banking operations at locations other than the bank’s central location. Many large and small banks use branch banking in order to extend their reach of services to different locations. Due to the growing demand and competitive financial market the bank branching system has gone through many changes. But it is difficult to maintain all the details of these branches like address, contact numbers, codes for online transfers, etc. We require such details of State Bank Of Patiala branches for number of reasons like making online transfers, enquiring about clearing of cheques, requesting mobile banking for our account, enquiring about new services included, etc. Bank Branch In serves this purpose well and is a place where you can easily find nearest SBP Bank bank branches.

How to find SBP Bank branch?

SBP Bank branch list is given in the table alongside. Along with the details like address and contact numbers, IFSC codes and MICR codes are also provided. You can narrow down your search either by selecting any particular state from the drop down list or by selecting the state given on the right side. This State Bank Of Patiala branch locator will help to find any bank branch for SBP Bank.